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Students dropping slime on their principal

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    Welcome to Elk Creek Elementary School!


    At Elk Creek, we strive to empower our children to be extraordinary!

    The ECE Experience is built around three pillars:




    In our building, you will find a caring and committed staff that loves being with kids. At this school, we root for each other and go to great lengths to build a sense of community. We believe that we lead the league with communication, flexibility, and understanding. We love visitors and want parents and community members involved in our school. We have a top-notch teaching staff that is continually invested in learning more about their practice and using new techniques and strategies in order to engage students.

    ECE is truly the place to be! Fly Eagles Fly!


    Check out what's happening around ECE!


    Students performing at their musical
    Students working together on a computer
    Students playing a table game
    Three students walking together, hand-in-hand
    Students dropping slime on their principal
    Teachers serving popcorn
    students laying on the roof eating pizza
    Student playing Angry Birds